A marble that seems to have been drawn by the expert hand of an architect or created by the minimal inspiration of an abstract painter. A white background crossed by perfect grey longitudinal lines that change in intensity and thickness. A white page where nature has written a funny alternation of shadows and lines making this marble to become a real piece of contemporary ar. A material that finds its maximum expression in the most various environments because of its defined and extravagant character, and for the neutral and elegant chrome. Striato Olimpo has its maximum expression from big walls to extensive pavings to realizations in projects where the veins create characterizing drawings.
A marble that seems to have been drawn by the expert hand of an architect or created by the minimal inspiration of an abstract painter. A white background crossed by perfect grey longitudinal lines that change in intensity and thickness. A white page where nature has written a funny alternation of shadows and lines making this marble to become a real piece of contemporary ar. A material that finds its maximum expression in the most various environments because of its defined and extravagant character, and for the neutral and elegant chrome. Striato Olimpo has its maximum expression from big walls to extensive pavings to realizations in projects where the veins create characterizing drawings.
A marble that seems to have been drawn by the expert hand of an architect or created by the minimal inspiration of an abstract painter. A white background crossed by perfect grey longitudinal lines that change in intensity and thickness. A white page where nature has written a funny alternation of shadows and lines making this marble to become a real piece of contemporary ar. A material that finds its maximum expression in the most various environments because of its defined and extravagant character, and for the neutral and elegant chrome. Striato Olimpo has its maximum expression from big walls to extensive pavings to realizations in projects where the veins create characterizing drawings.