
ERAMOSA Payanini has decided to include in its "TODAY INSPIRATION" 2001 collection a warm color that fills spaces with playful, deliberately elegant outlines on discovering this extraordinary marble close to the banks of River Eramosa, in Canada.


ERAMOSA Payanini has decided to include in its "TODAY INSPIRATION" 2001 collection a warm color that fills spaces with playful, deliberately elegant outlines on discovering this extraordinary marble close to the banks of River Eramosa, in Canada.


ERAMOSA Payanini has decided to include in its "TODAY INSPIRATION" 2001 collection a warm color that fills spaces with playful, deliberately elegant outlines on discovering this extraordinary marble close to the banks of River Eramosa, in Canada.


ERAMOSA Payanini has decided to include in its "TODAY INSPIRATION" 2001 collection a warm color that fills spaces with playful, deliberately elegant outlines on discovering this extraordinary marble close to the banks of River Eramosa, in Canada.

Eramosa Eramosa Vein Cut Eramosa Cross Cut Eramosa Particolare

PAYANINI srl - Via I Maggio, 141 A/B - 37020 Volargne di Dolcè - Verona, Italy - tel. +39 045 6888404 - fax +39 045 6886161 - [email protected] - P.IVA e C.F. 03705390288 - CCIAA VR R.E.A. 346301 - PEC:[email protected] - Credits